One of the main activities of our company is the production of liquid chromatographs.

One of the main activities of our company is production of liquid chromatographs.
The continuity of technological traditions and strict compliance with the historical experience of developing the HPLC instrumental base is the basis for the reliability of our equipment.
The modularity of the design is the ability to create and upgrade a system of any configuration to solve various analytical tasks.
The use of components from the world's leading manufacturers of chromatographic equipment in combination with domestic technologies, as well as reasonable prices, is the key to high technical, metrological and operational indicators.
The international standard for all communications and connections is compatible of our modules with any HPLC equipment produced in the world.
Жидкостный хроматограф «Стайер М»

Steyer M liquid chromatograph
The Stayer M system is our latest development, which implements fundamentally new design solutions, and due to this, we managed to achieve significantly better technical and metrological characteristics of the device.
More than 700 Stayer chromatographs of various configurations are successfully operating in Hygiene and Epidemiology Centers, Standardization and Metrology Centers, environmental services, thermal and nuclear power plants, research centers and universities.
More detailedAtomic absorption spectrometer А-2

Atomic absorption spectrometer А-2
Atomic absorption spectrometer A-2 is a modern combined instrument that allows operating in both flame and electrothermal atomization modes of samples.
The design of the device provides for atomization by various types of flame:
- acetylene – air;
- acetylene – nitrous oxide;
- propane-butane mixture – air.
The advantages of the device certainly include:
- fast automatic change of atomizers;
- automatic monochromator;
- 8-lamp automatic turret;
- universal autosampler.
Спектрофотометр СФ-102

Спектрофотометр СФ-102
The spectrophotometers produced by our company have firmly won their place in the Russian market due to their simplicity, functionality and reliability.
The devices support almost all spectrophotometric techniques currently in use, and can be equipped with cuvettes with an optical path from 1 to 100 mm.
The ability to work both in offline mode and under computer control increases the functionality of the device and expands its capabilities.
More detailedpH meters and ionomers

pH meters and ionomers
pH meters and ionomers are traditionally present in the production range of our company. The pH-420 pH meter and the I-510 ionomer are widely used in Russia, and not only in Russia.
These modern, reliable and easy-to-use devices are now used by laboratories of various specializations.
The pH meter is one of the few measuring instruments without which it is impossible to imagine any laboratory. Almost all measurement methods use a pH meter as auxiliary equipment, so the quality of measurements on a wide variety of analytical equipment depends on its capabilities, ease of use and reliability.
Ionomers are widely used in analytical control of various objects (drinking water, food and raw materials, pharmaceutical and veterinary products, environmental objects, etc.), as well as in production process control systems.
More detailedАнализатор вольтамперометрический АКВ-07МК

AKV-07MK voltammetric analyzer
The AKV-07MK voltammetric analyzer is an electrochemical analyzer that implements the inversion voltammetry method on rotating solid-state electrodes and is designed for qualitative and quantitative analysis of objects of various origins for the content of heavy metal ions and toxic elements.
The inversion voltammetry method is probably the most popular electrochemical method in the daily practice of analytical laboratories today. It is widely used in determining the contents of the following elements:
Cd, Pb, Zn, Cu, Bi, Tl, Ag, Co, Ni, Sn, Se, Fe, Hg, As, Мn, Sb и др.
More detailedTitrator ATP-02

Titrator ATP-02
Fully automated high-precision potentiometric titrator, which allows you to implement with high accuracy all the variety of methods and techniques of potentiometric titration that operate worldwide (GOST, ASTM, ISO, IP, etc.).
The device is simple, reliable and enjoys a well-deserved popularity in laboratories of various specializations.
More detailedIndustry solutions
This section contains ready-made solutions for determining the control parameters required by regulatory documents for objects belonging to various industries. The solution includes a device, a list of auxiliary equipment, and a method for determining this control parameter.
The site also implements advanced search, which allows you to quickly find the right solution. The search can be performed by the number or name of the regulatory document, the object being analyzed, the control parameter, or the substance being analyzed.
You can start looking for a solution to your task from here.
Select an industry to find a solution:
About the company
Aquilon Company is one of the leading domestic manufacturers and suppliers of analytical and laboratory equipment with more than twenty-five years of history.
During this time, we have developed and put into mass production more than 15 items of measuring instruments and laboratory equipment.
Our company has extensive experience in supplying large government agencies, including the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Rospotrebnadzor, Rosselkhoznadzor and many others.
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Our company supports the entire range of necessary services.
- Commissioning works
- Staff briefing
- Warranty and post-warranty service
- Setting up measurement methods
Our methodological center has developed and certified more than 45 measurement techniques in accordance with GOST R requirements.
The vast majority of our methods are included in the Federal Register of Measurement Techniques.
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